
Quality U-Bolts For Every Application

U-bolts are specialized fasteners used extensively in construction and mechanical applications for securing piping systems, conduits, and various cylindrical objects to surfaces or structures. Crafted from high-grade steel, these U-shaped bolts are recognized for their strength, resilience, and versatility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, including both indoor and outdoor environments. They are designed to provide a robust and durable connection, capable of withstanding substantial stress, vibrations, and adverse environmental conditions. Available in multiple sizes and finishes, Fig 137 U-bolts are adaptable to meet diverse project requirements. Their design facilitates easy installation, making them a go-to choice for engineers and construction professionals for efficiently anchoring piping systems, ensuring stability, alignment, and the seamless operation of infrastructure and machinery across numerous industries.

Our inventory includes a comprehensive range of Fig 137 U-bolts, available in plain, zinc-plated, hot-dip galvanized, and stainless steel finishes. This diverse selection ensures that we can cater to the specific needs and environmental conditions of any project.

  • Plain U-bolts are widely used for general applications where corrosion resistance is not a primary concern. They offer a cost-effective solution for securing piping systems and other cylindrical objects in dry and controlled environments.

  • Zinc-plated U-bolts provide a layer of corrosion resistance, making them suitable for indoor applications where they might be exposed to moisture. The zinc coating acts as a barrier that protects the steel from corrosive elements, extending the lifespan of the U-bolt.

  • Hot-dip galvanized U-bolts undergo a process where the bolts are coated with a thick layer of zinc, offering superior corrosion resistance compared to other finishes. This makes them ideal for use in highly corrosive environments such as marine, industrial, and outdoor settings where they are exposed to harsh elements.

  • Stainless steel U-bolts offer the highest level of corrosion resistance and strength, making them the preferred choice for demanding applications in marine, pharmaceutical, and food processing industries where exposure to corrosive substances and stringent hygiene standards are common.

Each type of finish enhances the durability and longevity of our U-bolts in different environmental conditions and applications. With this extensive range, we are equipped to provide robust and reliable fastening solutions that meet the exact requirements of your projects, ensuring the integrity and performance of your installations.

Download our fresh off the press Figure 137 U-Bolt Spec Sheet.

In addition to our comprehensive selection of Fig 137 U-bolts in various finishes, we also offer square U-bolts and the option to manufacture custom U-bolts according to your specific blueprints and requirements.

  • Square U-bolts are designed to provide a secure fit around square surfaces, making them an ideal choice for attaching metal beams, framing, and other square-shaped structures. Their unique shape ensures a snug fit and robust support for non-cylindrical applications, expanding the versatility of our U-bolt inventory to accommodate a broader range of projects.

  • Custom per Print U-bolts cater to specialized needs that go beyond standard sizes and shapes. Whether you require unique dimensions, specific threading, unusual shapes, or specialized materials, our custom fabrication service allows you to specify every detail of the U-bolt to match your precise specifications. This service ensures that even the most unique or challenging requirements can be met with precision-engineered solutions tailored to your project.

Our commitment to providing a wide array of fastening solutions ensures that whatever your project demands—whether it’s a standard application or something more specialized—we have the capabilities to supply U-bolts that meet your exact needs. By offering both square and custom-made U-bolts, we aim to be your go-to source for high-quality, reliable fastening solutions that support the success and integrity of your installations.


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